home Bivalvia

The Ostreidae Family includes 75 species comprising 5 subfamilies (Ostreinae (9 genus), Crassostreinae (3), Striostreinae (1), ...)
and 16 genus (Ostrea (19 species), Magallana (13), Saccostrea (11), ...)

Phylum      : Mollusca
 Class       : Bivalvia 
  Subclass    : Autobranchia 
   Infraclass  : Pteriomorphia 
    Order       : Ostreida 
     Superfamily : Ostreoidea 
      Family      : Ostreidae 

Common name : pacific oyster, native oyster

Aspect : shells of varying shapes and sizes, rough, fluted and laminated.

Feeding : water filtering

Environment : intertidal zones between 0 and 50m

Magallana gigas (Thunberg, 1793) (Subfamily Crassostreinae)

Magallana gigas

Ostrea edulis Linnaeus, 1758

Ostrea edulis

Total collection for Ostreidae : 2 species (2 shells in total)

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